Touch a Truck Sponsorships

Thanks for sponsoring the 2nd Annual Touch a Truck, to benefit the non-profit Saranac Lake Civic Center
View / compare options below - sign up/pay online or download sponsor packet
Sponsoring helps the Civic Center and also exposes your organization to local and visiting families - close to 1,000 people came to the 2023 Touch A Truck event!
Questions? Contact Marnie @
Sponsorship Levels | Generator $125 | Forklift $250 | Excavator $750 | Big Truck $1,500 | Bulldozer $2,500 | Headliner $5,000 |
Name On Event Website | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Admission Tickets | 2 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 15 |
Recognition on event t-shirt* | Business name | Business name | Small logo | Medium logo | Large logo | Featured logo |
Thank you social media post | X | X | X | X | X | |
Vendor Table at event | X | X | X | X | ||
Name in event press releases / posters | X | X | X | |||
Intro social media post | X | X | X | |||
Business logo/message on a zone banner** | X | X | X | |||
Sponsorship naming for special activity area | X | X | ||||
Business logo in all media | X | |||||
Featured partner on event website | X |
*Sponsorship deadline to be included on t-shirt is 8/15/24
**Zones are the areas where similar vehicles are situated at the event
Options & Sponsorship Benefits (download sponsor packet)
Generator - $125:
Name on Website
2 admission tickets
Recognition name on event t-shirt - business name*
Forklift - $250:
Name on Website
2 admission tickets
Thank you social media post
Recognition name on event t-shirt - business name*
Excavator - $750:
Name on Website
5 admission tickets
Thank you social media post
Vendor table at event
Recognition on event t-shirt - small logo*
Big Truck - $1,500:
Name on Website
10 admission tickets
Thank you social media post
Vendor table at event
Recognition on event t-shirt - medium logo*
Name in press releases / posters
Introductory Social Media Post
Inclusion of business logo / message on a zone banner (zones are the areas where similar trucks/equipment are placed at the event)
Bulldozer - $2,500:
Name on Website
10 admission tickets
Thank you social media post
Vendor table at event
Recognition on event t-shirt - large logo*
Name in press releases / posters
Introductory Social Media Post
Inclusion of business logo / message on a zone banner (zones are the areas where similar trucks/equipment are placed at the event)
Sponsorship Naming for Special Activity area
Headline Sponsor - $5,000
Your business logo in all media
Featured partner recognition on website
10 admission tickets
Thank you social media post
Vendor table at event
Recognition on event t-shirt - featured logo*
Name in press releases / posters
Introductory Social Media Post
Inclusion of business logo / message on a zone banner (zones are the areas where similar trucks/equipment are placed at the event)**
Sponsorship Naming for Special Activity area
*Sponsorship deadline to be included on t-shirt is 8/15/24
**Zones are the areas where similar vehicles are situated at the event